
Antmarky is a static-site generator for Asciidoctor based on Node.js and EJS.

antmarky Coverage Status Docker Pulls js-semistandard-style

The main idea behind creating Antmarky was to have a generator with zero configuration that can serve your Asciidoctor files in the documentation directory.

Consider Antmarky as a lightweight alternative to Antora.

Currently, Antmarky flattens out the directory structure and displays all the files at the root level under the corresponding directory.




Serve content

docker run --rm \
  --name antmarky-ssg \
  -v ${PWD}/docs:/antmarky/docs \
  -p 8000:8000 \

Local server will be launched at http://localhost:8000

Build content

docker run --rm \
  --name antmarky-ssg \
  -v ${PWD}/docs:/antmarky/docs \
  -v ${PWD}/public:/antmarky/public \
  bandantonio/antmarky build

Website static files will be generated in the public directory.